by Sergey Livnev with Aleksey Serebryakov, Daniel Olbrychski. Russia-Lettonia-UK 2018, 102’, v.o. engl. and it. sub. Production Forma Pro Films, Leopolis Films Sceneggiatura Sergey Livnev Musiche Leonid Desyatnikov, Alexey Sergunin…
Day: April 7, 2019
The Witness
by Mitko Panov with Bruno Ganz, Padraic Delaney, Nataša Petrović, Gary Whelan, Marthe Keller. Switzerland-Macedonia-Irlanda-Croazia 2018, 113’,v.o. engl.-serbo-croato engl. and it. sub. Production Tipi’mages Productions Screenplay Mitko Panov, Wadyslaw Pasikowski Cinematography…