The Witness

By in

by Mitko Panov with Bruno Ganz, Padraic Delaney, Nataša Petrović, Gary Whelan, Marthe Keller. Switzerland-Macedonia-Irlanda-Croazia 2018, 113’,v.o. engl.-serbo-croato engl. and it. sub.

Production Tipi’mages Productions
Screenplay Mitko Panov, Wadyslaw Pasikowski
Cinematography Piotr Jaxa
Set DecorationIva Rodic
Costume Design Lara Campbell

At the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Colonel Pantic is charged with crimes against humanity, but no one dares to testify against him. Vince Harrington, a young officer of the court, decides to go to Ex-Yugoslavia in search of the only man capable of confronting the colonel, former General Nikola Radin. But the journey will turn into a fierce manhunt in the Balkan mountains.

29/04 at 9.15 pm Teatro Petruzzelli
30/04 at 10 pm Galleria 3