Van Goghs (Van Gogi)

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by Sergey Livnev with Aleksey Serebryakov, Daniel Olbrychski. Russia-Lettonia-UK 2018, 102’, v.o.   engl. and it. sub.

Production Forma Pro Films, Leopolis Films
Sceneggiatura Sergey Livnev
Musiche Leonid Desyatnikov, Alexey Sergunin
Editing Ernest Aranov, Aleksey Bobrov
Cinematography Yuriy Klimenko
Costume Design
Aleksandr Osipov

Mark is a lonely and struggling artist who is unable to form any kind of attachment with anyone. His father, the famous conductor Victor Ginzburg, lives far away from Mark in the homeland that he left a long time ago, Latvia. They both loathe and adore each other at the same time and it all flares up with renewed vigor when Mark goes to visit his father after the death of Victor’s wife. They are then both forced to come to terms with their past, their choices in life and their love for each other when Victor slowly withers away as dementia takes hold of him.

30/04 at 9 pm Teatro Petruzzelli, € 15,00
01/05 at 10 pm Galleria 3, € 7,00