di Stefano Sollima con Pierfrancesco Favino, Filippo Nigro, Marco Giallini, Domenico Diele. Italia 2012, 110′, v.it.
Production Cattleya, Babe Films
Distribution 01 Distribution
Screenplay Daniele Cesarano, Barbara Petronio, Leonardo Valenti
Music Mokadelic
Editing Patrizio Marone
Cinematography Paolo Carnera
Set DecorationPaola Comencini
Costume designVeronica Fragola
Cobra, Negro and Mazinga belong to the flying squad of the state police that has always been detached by colleagues and mistrusted by citizens. The three agents experience firsthand what it means to be hated, but they are also proud to fight violence, even if this requires the use of force. Through their stories, major episodes of Italian news from the 2000s, are retraced, which will have serious repercussions for their work as well as their private lives.