by Giulio Manfredonia with Antonio Albanese, Sergio Rubini, Lorenza Indovina, Nicola Rignanese. Italy 2011, 96′,,
Production Fandango
Distribution 01 Distribution
Screenplay Antonio Albanese, Piero Guerrera
Music Banda Osiris
Editing Cecilia Zanuso
Cinematography Roberto Forza
Set DecorationMarco Belluzzi
Costume Design Roberto Chiocchi
Cetto La Qualunque, an entrepreneur from Calabria who despises nature, democracy and most of all women, returns to Italy along with his new family. When his old friends inform him that his property is being threatened by a relentless “wave of legality,” he decides to run for office, under the slogan “more sex and more reinforced concrete,” in order to reinstate the legitimate right to illegality.
In programmazione
24/04 ore 9:00 Teatro Petruzzelli
a seguire, ore 10:45, Master Class di Antonio Albanese. Conduce Marco Spagnolo
ingresso libero