Passeggeri notturni

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by Riccardo Grandi with Claudio Gioè, Nicole Grimaudo, Gianmarco Tognazzi, Marta Gastini. Italy 2019, 90’, engl. sub. World Premiere
Production Anele
Screenplay Francesco Carofiglio, Salvatore De Mola, Claudia De Angelis, Riccardo Grandi

Enrico, who hosts an overnight radio program, tries to help Sabrina, one of his “night passengers,” to cope with her trauma. Despite his support, the young woman takes her own life. Later on, Enrico meets Valeria, Sabrina’s sister and falls in love with her. He will help her understand the reasons behind her sister’s suicide, but will find out too late that all Valeria really wants is revenge.

04/05 at 8.30 pm Teatro Petruzzelli
€ 15,00