by Paolo Sassanelli with Paolo Sassanelli, Francesco Colella, Rian Gerritsen. Italia-Islanda 2018,94’, v.o. it.-olandese-ingl. sott. it. World Premiere. FUORI CONCORSO Production Mood Film Screenplay Francesco Apice, Chiara Balestrazzi, Paolo Sassanelli…
Category: Panorama
The Charmer
by Milad Alami with Ardalan Esmaili, Soho Rezanejad, Lars Brygmann, Susan Taslimi. Denmark- Sweden-France 2017, 100’, v.o farsi-danese engl. and it. subt. Production Good Company Films, Garagefilm and Vixens Screenplay…
Anna’s War
by Aleksej Fedorchenko with Marta Kozlova, Russian 2018, 75’ v.o. engl. and it. subt. Production SAGa, Metrafilms Screenplay Aleksey Fedorchenko, Natalya Meschaninova Music Vladimir Komarov, Atsuo Matsumoto Editing Pavel Khanyutin,…
What will People say/Cosa dirà la gente
by Iram Haq with Maria Mozhdah, Adil Hussain, Ekavali Khanna. Norway-Germany-Sweden 2017, 108’, v.o. norvegese-urdu, sott. ingl. e it. Italian Distribution Lucky Red Production Mer Film, Rohfilm Factory, Zentropa Sweden, Beta…